2025 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices (ICBEMD 2025)
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Prof. Aly El Sheikha, University of Ottawa, Canada

Prof. El Sheikha is a specialist in Molecular Biology, Traceability, Food Safety, etc. PhD in "Biotechnology-Microbiology", University Montpellier 2, France, 2010. All academic degrees are equivalent to their counterparts in Canada. Two post-docs [CIRAD, France (2011); Halal Products Research Institute, Malaysia (2012-2013)]. 24 years of experience in the research field as a Principal Investigator, Deputy Leader, Coordinator, and Researcher in several international projects (e.g., Canadian Project “NSERC-CRD-474638-14”; Recently, Prof. El Sheikha visited the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) in Canada as a Visiting Professor to establish scientific cooperation between the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) and Jiangxi Agricultural University (JXAU). Most Significant Contributions: - Invented a novel molecular diagnostic method for detecting and identifying pathogenic Candida species. This patent opens up new avenues such as the differentiation between drug-resistant and drug-sensitive strains of infectious fungi within the same species (US Patent No. US 62/964,218: Pending); Winner of numerous international prizes and granted trophy of Agriculture Faculty, UPM, Malaysia. More than 97 publications in international reviews (e.g., Books, Chapters, Articles, etc.) with a total [Accumulated Impact Factor: 221.66; Accumulated Citations: 1978; h-index: 27].

Prof. Zhengchun Liu, Central South University, China

Liu Zhengchun, doctoral supervisor, director of the Department of Electronics, School of Electronic Information, 531 talents of Central South University, young backbone teachers of ordinary universities in Hunan Province, academic leader of key disciplines of biomedical engineering in Hunan Province during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, member of bioelectronics Branch of Chinese Institute of Electronics, senior member of China Institute of Micronanotechnology, senior member of Biomedical Engineering Society, the first batch of senior members of chinese chemical society and member of China Society of Biomaterials, Standing Committee member of Hunan Sensing Industry Promotion Technology Committee, deputy editor-in-chief of Chemical Engineering Journal, deputy editor-in-chief of Materials Express and deputy editor-in-chief of Mini-Reviews in Medical Chemistry (included in Bentham Science SCI); He has published more than 50 papers in important journals at home and abroad, and his research interests are wearable sensing, microfluidic chips and sensing, intelligent instruments and sensing, and nano-drug loading and sensing.



Prof. Yujiang Fan, Sichuan University, China

Professor, doctor of engineering, doctoral supervisor. At present, he is the deputy director of the National Biomedical Materials Engineering Technology Research Center, the executive director of the China Biomaterials Society, the chairman-designate of the Bone Repair Materials and Devices Branch, the executive member of the Biomedical Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the expert advisory committee of the National NMPA Technology Review Center, the member of the National Additive Manufacturing Standardization Technical Committee and other academic part-time jobs, and a visiting professor of Guangxi Medical University. In 2001, he received a doctor's degree in engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. From 2001 to 2003, he was engaged in postdoctoral research at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. From 2003 to 2006, he was engaged in research and development of biomedical materials at the National Institute of Materials (NIMS). In April 2006, he became a professor and doctoral supervisor at Sichuan University. In recent six years, more than 100 papers included in SCI have been published, with more than 1500 citations, and more than 50 invention patents (2 PCTs) have been applied for and approved. Developed cartilage-induced hydrogel materials for the regeneration and repair of articular cartilage defects, personalized 3D printing active materials for the precise regeneration and repair of craniomaxillofacial bone caries, etc., and promoted the transformation of related technologies and product development. Main research directions: the application of bioactive materials based on 3D printing technology in the regeneration and repair of bones (craniofacial, spine, joints, etc.); Research and product development of bone/cartilage regeneration and repair materials; Biomedical polymer filling and auxiliary product development; Development of polymer targeted delivery system loaded with drugs, genes and bioactive components.